JLC Group can supply Blast Enhanced Automated Sliding Doors

At JLC Group we can help protect your establishments with our Blast Enhanced Automated Sliding Doors.

Our Blast Enhanced Automated Sliding Doors are of a spacious design that have the key properties for blast protection. The aesthetically pleasing and spacious design of the entry door system maintains the appearance of the building entrance and façade. The doors meet all BS EN 16005 safety regulations and is the Largest sliding door system on the market today, tested to ISO 16933 EXV25 blast classification.

The Doors can be manually operated with ease, following a blast, allowing for emergency services to enter and to avoid people being trapped inside. The Blast Enhanced Sliding Doors meet blast-mitigating standards in new and improved ways.

We have combined enhanced robust sliding door operators with a highly reinforced aluminium door system, allowing for maximum clear opening sizes beyond the capacity of any other comparable system. Additionally, the weight of the enhanced door system does not hamper the efficiency or reliability of the operator.

Contact us today to find out more, and to help keep your establishments secure and your customers safe:

T :0800 170 1515



Nathalie Hayes

Contracts Manager

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We are currently looking for excellent engineers to work in both our Automation and Aviation sectors.